
Improve the profitability of your business by satisfying your customer’s values

If you want to grow?much faster?than your competitors you need to satisfy your customer’s value system.
Companies that scored high on four or more elements had recent?revenue growth four times greater?than that of companies with only one high score (on the NPS system for measuring customer satisfaction).
Source: The Elements of Value. HRB September 2016.
It seems self-evident that satisfied customers will buy […]

Pension Freedom means more personal responsibility

Although many people welcome the additional choice offered via the new pension regulations, you now have much more responsibility to make sure your pension pot will last for your retired lifetime. That’s a daunting responsibility because that could mean planning for 20 years of spending with no earnings – just living off your pension income.

Our latest guide provides a plain-English […]

Expect Even More Changes to Your Pension This April

We know you want to make the most of your retirement. Whether it’s spending precious time with your friends and family, travelling to far?flung destinations, or pursuing a new and exciting hobby, your pension is a key piece of the puzzle.

And with so much changing over the last year, it can be hard to keep track of everything pension?related.

New freedom […]

Smart Money for September/October 2015

Good financial planning is all about thinking ahead. And planning for the future means making conscious decisions now, rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae of day-to-day events. So, it’s important to take a step back to look the bigger picture occasionally and to ask yourself a few key questions: how are my finances doing? Am I meeting my […]

ad+ Smart Money magazine (July/August 2015)

View the July/August 2015 magazine here.

Inside the latest issue of our magazine we look at how the new pension savings market offers much more flexibility and choice post–6 April this year, which is a positive, but it can be overwhelming. For people planning for retirement in the new world of pension freedoms, there are both risks and opportunities – from passing […]

How to cope with job and financial uncertainty

In Scotland as throughout Europe, most workers now face a significantly longer life in employment than their parents or grandparents. Across 48 years of working[1] a typical individual entering the workforce today might expect to have nine full or part time jobs – and on average at least one major career change! Research from LV= shows a sharp shift from […]

Confusion Over New Retirement Income Choices

Many people in Glasgow and Lanarkshire do not yet fully understand the significance of the new retirement income choices. At ad+ we often find that even some experienced business owners do not appreciate the significance of the changes available for retirement income from 6th April 2015.

According to a recent ‘Real Retirement’ survey (full sources and references below) by Aviva more […]